A los 4 años del encarcelamiento de Julian Assange
Su caso no solo es un ataque a la libertad de prensa y expresión, sino también una prueba crucial para el respeto de...
Lawmakers around the world call on AG Merrick Garland to drop charges against Julian Assange
U.S. letter | UK letter | Australian letter | Mexican letter April 11, 2023 — Seven U.S. policymakers, led by Michigan Representative Rashida Tlaib, have cosigned a joint letter to […]
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La lucha por la libertad de Julian Assange
La libertad es un concepto que se ha luchado por siglos, y Julian Assange es una figura que ha encarnado esa lucha en nuestros tiempos. Desde su encarcelamiento, su lucha ha sido inspiración para muchos que también buscan la libertad.
Assange activist sends support kits across the U.S.
All over the world, activists and volunteers have been hard at work to bring awareness to Assange’s prosecution and the continued threat to free press. One of those activists is […]
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Students, professors, activists assemble for Assange’s release and freedom of the press on Student Press Freedom Day
February 23, 2023 — All over the country, students and universities will be hosting events focused on the threat to freedom of the press for Student Press Freedom Day. Nothing […]
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Listen: Free Julian Assange
by Francisco Herrera and Dennis Bernstein This is a song to promote the freedom of Julian Assange. Free Julian Assange by Francisco Herrera and Dennis Bernstein lyrics FREE JULIAN NOW 1. […]
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